老外常挂在嘴边的"what's up"到底是什么意思?

有的老外在问“what' s up”后,有的给出的回答也是“what' s up”,那这里的“what' s up”还是在问你在忙什么吗?当然不是的。这里的“what 's up”是熟人之间的打招呼,相当于“hello”。 接下来我们一起来学习一下跟“问候”相关的英文表达吧~ ①问近况:How are you d...

Miller suggests that job seekers develop a vision that embraces the answer to “What do I really want to do?” one should create a solid statement in a dozen or so sentences that describe in detail how they see their life related to work. For insta...

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